14 December 2010

Modernist Cuisine: The Art of Science and Cooking

A revolution is underway in the art of cooking... Borrowing techniques from the laboratory, pioneering chefs are blowing through the boundaries of the culinary arts, incorporating a deeper understanding of science and advances in cooking technology into their culinary art.

In Modernist Cuisine: The Art and Science of Cooking, Nathan Myhrvold, Chris Young, and Maxime Bilet - scientists, inven­tors, and accom­plished cooks in their own right - have cre­ated a six-volume 2,400-page set that reveals science-inspired tech­niques for prepar­ing food that ranges from the oth­er­worldly to the sub­lime.

It is an indis­pens­able guide for any­one who is pas­sion­ate about the art and sci­ence of cooking.

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